(5^ LONDON: GEORGE ROU FLEDGE S SONS. ROUTLEDGE'S BALL-ROOM GUIDE EY THE AUTHOR OF "ETIQUETTE FOK LADIES,' AND "ETIQUETTE FOR GENTLEMEN" LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SON broadway, ludgate hill New York: 9 Lafayette Place ROUTLEDGE'S MINIATURE LIBRARY. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. ETIQUETTE FOR GENTLEMEN. E'_iy ETTE FOR LADIES. BALi--ROOM MANUAL. ETIQUETTE OF COURTSHIP AND MATRIMONY. CARVING. TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS. HOW TO DRESS WELL. THE LOVER'S LETTER-WRITER. ra»e. I. How TO Or.GAXISE A BALL 5 II. Ball-eoo:j: Toillette (Ladies) ... 12 „ „ (Gextlemex) 14 III. Etiquette or the Ball-eoom ... 15 IV. The Quadeille 21 V. The Caledonians , 28 YI. The Lance ks SO VII. The Double Lancers 36 VIII. Coulon's Double Quadrille 38 IX. The Polka 41 X. The Cellarius 49 XI. The Mazurka Quadrille ... ... 54 XII. Tns Polka Mazurka 58 XIII. TnE Redowa, or Redova 59 XIV. The Schoitische ... 61 XV. The Vaesoviana, or Varsoyienne ... G4 XVI. The Gorlitza 65 XVIL The Valse a Teois Temps 68 XVIIL The Valse a Deux Temps 72 XIX. The New Valse ... 76 XX. The Galop 77 XXL The Cotillon 73 XXIL The Spanish Dance 84 XXIII. The Tempete S6 XXIV. Sir Roger de Coverlet 90 XXV. Glossary of Terms used in Dancing 93 I. — How TO ORGANISE A BaLL. As THE number of guests at a diiiner-party is regulated by the size of the table, so should the number of invitations to a ball be limited by the proportions of the ball-room. A pru- dent hostess will always invite a few more guests than she really desires to entertain, in the certainty that there will be some de- serters when the appointed evening comes round; but she will at the same time re- member that to overcrowd her room is to spoil the pleasure of those who love dancing, 6 BALL-ROOil GUIDE. and that a party of this kind when too nu- merously attended is as great a failure as one at which too few are present. A room which is nearly square, yet a little longer than it is broad, will be'^found the most favourable for a ball. It admits of two quadrille parties, or two round dances, at the same time. In a perfectly square room this arrangement is not so practicable or pleasant. A very long and narrow room is obviously of the worst shape for the purpose of dancing, and is fit only for quadrilles and country dances. The top of the ball-room is the part nearest the orchestra. In a private room, the top is where it would be if the room were a dining-room. It is generally at the farthest point from the door. Dancers should be careful to ascertain the top of the room before taking their places, as the top couples always lead the dances. A ^ood floor is of the last importance in a ball-room. In a private house, nothing can be better than a smooth, well-stretched holland, with the carpet beneath. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 1 Abundance of light and free ventilation are indispensable to the spirits and comfort of the dancers. Good music is as necessary to the pros- perity of a ball as good Tvine to the ex- cellence of a dinner. No hostess should tax her friends for this part of the entertain- ment. It is the most injudicious economy imaginable. Ladies who would prefer to dance are tied to the pianoforte ; and as few amateurs have been trained in the art of playing dance music with that strict atten- tion to time and accent which is absolutely necessary to the comfort of the dancers, a total and general discontent is sure to be the result. To play dance music thoroughly well is a branch of the art which requires considerable practice. It is as different from every other kind of playing as whale fishing is from fly fishing. Those who give private balls will do well ever to bear this in mind, and to provide skilled musicians for the evening. For a small party, a piano and cornopean make d very pleasant combination. Unless where several instruments are engaged BALL-EOO^ GUIDE. we do not recommend the introduction of the violin : although in some respects the finest of all solo instruments, it is apt to sound ^ thin and shrill when employed on mere inexpressive dance tunes, and played by a mere dance player. Invitations to a ball should be issued in the name of the lady of the house, and written on small note paper of the best quality. ^ Elegant printed forms, some of them printed in gold or silver, are to be had at every stationer's by those who prefer them. The paper may be^gilt-edged, but not coloured. The sealing-wax used should be of some delicate hue. An invitation to a ball should be sent cut at least ten days before the evening appointed. A fortnight, three weeks, and even a month may be allowed in the way of i^otice. Not more than two or three days should be permitted to elapse before you reply to an 'invitation of this kind. The reply should always be addressed to the lady of the house, and should be couched in the same person as BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 9 the invitation. The following are the forms generally in use : — Mrs. Molyneux requests the honour of Captain Hamilton's company at an evening party, on Mon- day, March the 11th instant. Dancing tvill begin at Nine o'clock. Thursday, March 1st. Captain Hamilton has much pleasure in accepting Mrs. Molyneux's polite invitation for Monday even- ing, March the 11th instant. Friday, March 2nd. The old form of '^presenting compliments" is now out of fashion. If Mrs. Molyneux writes to Captain Ha- milton in the first person, as My dear Sir," he is bound in etiquette to reply " My dear Madam." The lady who gives a ball* should endea- vour to secure an equal number of dancers of botli sexes. Many private parties are spoiled by the preponderance of young ladies, some of whom never get partners at all, unless they dance with each other. * It will be understood that we use the word "ball" to signify a private party where there is dancing, as well as a public ball. 10 BALL-KOOM GUIDE. A room should in all cases be provided for the accommodation of the ladies. In this room there ought to be several looking- glasses ; attendants to assist the fair visitors in the arrangement of their hair and dress ; and some place in which the cloaks and shawls can be laid in order, and found at a moment's notice. It is well to affix tickets to the cloaks, giving a duplicate at the same time to each lady, as at the public theatres and concert-rooms. Needles and t]>read should also be at hand, to repair any little accident incurred in dancing. Another room should be devoted to re- freshments, and kept amply supplied with coffee, lemonade, ices, wine, and biscuits during the evening. Where this cannot be arranged, the refreshments should be handed round between the dances. The question of supper is one which so entirely depends on the means of those who give a ball or evening party, that very little can be said upon it in a treatise of this description. Where money is no object, it is of course always preferable to have the whole BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 11 supper, "with all appliances and means to boot/' sent in from some first-rate house. It spares all trouble whether to the entertainers or their servants, and relieves the hostess of every anxiety. Where circumstances render such a course imprudent, we would only observe that a home-provided supper, however simple, should be good of its kind, and abundant in quantity. Dancers are gene- rally hungry people, and feel themselves much aggrieved if the supply of sandwiches proves unequal to the demand. Great inconvenience is often experienced by the difficulty of pro- curing cabs at the close of an evening party. Gentleman who have been dancing, and are unprepared for walking, object to go home on foot, or seek vehicles for their wives and daughters. Temale servants who have been in attendance upon the visitors during a whole evening ought not to be sent out. If even men-servants are kept, they may find it difficult to procure as many cabs as are necessary. The best thing that the giver of a private ball can do under these circumstances, is to engage a policeman wiih 12 BALL-EOO^ GUIDE. a lantliorn to attend on the pavement during the evening, and to give notice during the morning at a neighbouring cab-stand, so as to ensure a sufficient number of vehicles at the time when they are likely to be required. II. — Ball-room Toilette. The style of a lady's dress is a matter so entirely dependent on age, means, and fashion, that we can offer but little advice upon it. Eashion is so variable, that statements which ai*e true of it to-day may be false a month hence. Respecting no institution of modern society is it so difficult to pronounce haK a dozen permanent rules. so with diffidence. Kich colours harmonise with rich brunette complexions and dark hair. Delicate colours are the most suitable for delicate and fragile styles of beauty. Very young ladies are never so suitably at- wear dresses of light and diaphanous mate LADIES. Ladies who dance should BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 13 rials, such as tulle, gauze, crape, net, &c., over coloured silk slips. Silk dresses are not suitable for dancing. A married lady who dances only z few quadrilles may wear a de- colletee silk dress with propriety Very stout persons should never wear white. It has the effect of adding to the bulk of the figure. Black and scarlet, or black and violet, are worn in mourning. A lady in deep mourning should not dance at all. However fashionable it may be to wear very long dresses, those ladies who go to a ball with the intention of dancing and enjoy- ing the dance, should cause their dresses to be made short enough to clear the ground. We would ask them whether it is not better to accept this slight deviation from ?.n absurd fashion, than to appear for three p[irts of the evening m a torn and pinned-up skirt ? Well-made shoes, whatever tlieir colour or material, and faultless gloves, are indis- pensable to the effect of a ball-room toilette. Much jewellery is out of place in a ball- 14 BALL-ROO^ GUIDE. room. Beautiful flowers, whether natural or artificial, are the loveliest ornaments that a lady can wear on these occasions. GENTLEMEN. A black suit, thin enamelled boots, a white neckcloth, and white or delicate grey gloves, are the chief points of a gentleman's ball-room toilette. He may wear an em- broidered shirt ; and his waistcoat may be of silk. White waistcoats are no longer fashionable. Much display of jewellery is no proof of good taste. A handsome watch-chain, with, perhaps, the addition of a few costly trifles suspended to it, and a set of shirt-studs, are the only adornments of this kind that a gentleman should wear. The studs should be small, but good.* A gentleman's dress is necessarily so simple that it admits of no compromise in point of quality and style. The material should be the best that money can procure, and the fashion unexceptionable. So much of the • Eoutledge's "Etiquette for Gentlemen," Sec. VII. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 15 outward man depends on his tailor, that we would urge no gentleman to economise in this matter. III. — Etiquette of the Ball-room.* On entering the ball-room, the visitor should at once seek the ladj of the house, and pay his respects to her. Having done this, he may exchange salutations with such friends and acquaintances as may be in the room. If the ball be a public one, and a gentle- man desires to dance with any lady to whom he is a stranger, he must apply to the master of the ceremonies for an introduction. Even in private balls, no gentleman can invite a lady to dance without a previous introduction. Tliis mtroduction should be effected through the lady of the house, or a member of her family. No lady should accept an invitation to dance from a gentleman to whom she has * See Routledge's "Etiquette for Ladies," and ' Etiquette for Gentlemen," Sec. IX. 16 ball-eooij: guide. not been introduced. In case any gentleman should commit the error of so inviting her, she should not excuse herself on the plea of a previous engagement, or of fatigue, as to do so would imply that she did not herself attach due importance to the necessary cere- mony of introduction. Her best reply would be to the effect that she would have much pleasure in accepting his invitation, if he would procure an introduction to her. This observation may be taken as applying only to public balls. At a private party the host and host-ess are sufficient guarantees for the respectability of their guests; and although a gentleman would show a singular want of knowledge of the laws of society in acting as we have supposed, the lady who should reply to him as if he were merely an impertinent stranger in a public assembly- room, would be implying an affront to her entertainers. The mere fact of being as- sembled together under the roof of a mutual friend, is in itself a kind of general introduc- tion of the guests to each other. An introduction given for the mere purpose 33ALL-EOOU: GUIDE. 17 of enabling a lady and gentleman to go through a dance together, does not consti- tute an acquaintanceship. The lady is at liberty to pass the gentleman in the park the next day without recognition. No gentleman should venture to bow to a lady upon the strength of a ball-room intro- duction, unless she does him the honour to recognise him first. If he commits this solecism he must not be surprised to find that she does not return his salutation. No gentleman should accept an invitation to a ball if he does not dance. When ladies are present who would be pleased to receive an invitation, those gentleman who hold them- selves aloof are^ guilty, not only of a nega- tive, but a positive act of neglect. To attempt to dance without a knowledge of dancing is not only to make one's sell ridiculous, but one's ]Dartner also. No lady or gentleman has the right to place a partner in this absurd position. Never forget a ball-room engagement. To do so is to commit an unpardonable ofi'ence against good breeding. c 18 EALL-BOO:\I GUIDE. It iz not necessary that a lady or gentle- man slionld be acquainted with the steps, in order to walk gracefully and easily through a quadrille. An easy carriage and a know- ledge of the figure is all that is requisite. A round dance, however, should on no account be attempted without a thorough knowledge of the steps, and some previous practice. No person who has not a good ear for time and tune need hope to dance well. At the conclusion of a dance, the gentle- man bovrs to his partner, and either prome- nades with her round the room, or takes her to a seat. Where a room is set apart for re- freshmejits, he offers to conduct her thither. At a p iblic ball no gentleman would, of course, permit a lady to pay for refreshments. IS'o lady should accept refreshments from a stranger at a public ball; for she woiild thereby lay herself under a pecuniary obliga- tion. For these she must rely on her fatlier, brothers, or old friends. Good taste forbids that a lady and gentle- man should dance too frequently together at BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 19 either a public or private ball. Engaged persons should be cai'eful not to commit this conspicuous solecism. Engagements for one dance should not be made while the present dance is yet in pro- gress. If a lady happens to forget a previous engagement, and stand up with anothei partner, the gentleman whom she has thus slighted is bound to believe that she has acted from mere inadvertence, and should by no means suffer his pride to master his good temper. To cause a disagreeable scene in s. private ball-room is to affront your host and hostess, and to make yourself absurd. In a public room it is no less reprehensible. Always remember that good breeding and good temper (o" the appearance of good temper) are insepdrably connected. Young gentlemen are earnestly advised not to limit their conversation to remarks on the weather and tiie heat of the room. It is, to a certain extent, incumbent on them to do sometliing more than dance when they invite a l>dy to join a quadrille. If it be c ? BALL-ROOM GUIDE. only upon the news of the day, a gentleman should be able to offer at least three or four observations to his partner in the course of a long half-hour. Gentlemen who dance cannot be too care- ful not to injure the dresses of the ladies who do them the honour to stand up with tliem. The young men of the present day are singularly careless in this respect ; and when they have torn a lady's delicate skirt, appear to think the mischief they have done scarcely worth the trouble of an apology. A gentleman conducts his last partner to the supper-room, and having waited upon her while there, re-conducts her to the ball-room. Never attempt to take a place in a dance which has been previously engaged. Withdraw from a private ball-room as quietly as possible, so that your departure may not be observed by others, ana cause the party to break up. If you meet the lady of the house on her way out, take your leave of her in such a manner that her oth£r guests may not suppose you are doing so ; out do not seek her out for that purpose. BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 21 Never be seen without gloves in a iJcill- room, though it were only for a few moments. Those who dance much and are particularly soir;?ie in matters relating to the toilette, take a second pair of gloves to replace the first when soiled. A thoughtful hostess will never introduce a bad dancer to a good one, because she has no right to punish one friend in order to oblige another. It is not customary for married persons to dance together in society. lY. — The Quadrille. The Quadrille is the most universal, as it is certainly the most sociable, of all fashion- able dances. It admits of pleasant conver- sation, frequent interchange of partners, and is adapted to every age. The young or old, the ponderous paterfamilias or his sylph- like daughter, may with equal propriety take part in its easy and elegant figures. Even an occasional blunder is of less consequence in tliis dance than in many others ; for each '52 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. personage is in some dej^ree free as to his own movements, not beins^ compelled by the continual embrace of his partner to dance either better or worse than iie may find con- venient. People now generally walk through a quadrille. Nothing more than a perfect knowledge of the figure, a graceful demean- our, and a correct ear for the time of the music are requisite to enable any one to take a creditable part in this dance. Steps are quite gone out of fashion : even the chasse has been given up for some time past. A quaarille must always consist of five parts. If a variation be made in the fourth figure, by the substitution of Pastorale for Trenise, the latter must then be omitted ; or vice versa. As soon as a gentleman has engaged his partner for the quadrille, he shoJild endeavour to secure as his vis-a-vis some friend or acquaintance ; and should then lead his partner to the top of the quad- rille, provided that post of honour be still vacant. He will place the lady always at his right hand. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 23 Quadrille music is divided into eight bars for each part of the figure ; two steps should be taken in every bar; every movement thus invariably consists of eight or of four steps. It is well not to learn too many new figures : the memory is liable to become con- fused amongst them ; besides which, it is doubtful whether your partner, or your vis-a- vis, is as learned in the matter as yourself. Masters are extremely fond of inventing and teaching new figures ; but you will do well to confine your attention to a few simple and universally received sets, which you will find quite sufficient for your purpose. We begin with the oldest and most common, the riKST SET OF QUADRILLES. iTirst ifisure.— 2Le iPantalon. The couples at the top and bottom of the quadrille cross to each other's places in eight stej)s, occupying four bars of the time ; re-cross immediately to their own places, which completes the movement of eight bars. This is called the Chaine Anglaise, The 24 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. gentleman always keeps to the right of vts- a-vis lady iu crossing, thus placing her inside. Set to partners, or halancez ; turn your partners. (This occupies the second eight iars.) Ladies chain, or cliaine des dames, (Eight hars more.) Each couple crosses to opposite couple's place, gentleman ffiving his hand to his partner : this is called half- promenade. Couples recross right and left to their places, without giving hands, which completes another eight bars, and ends the figure. The side couples repeat what the top and bottom couples have done. ^econU ifi'gtire.— H'Ete. The ladies in all the top couples, and their vis-a-vis gentlemen, advance four steps, and retire the same, repeating this movement once again, which makes the first eight bars. Top ladies and vis-a-vis gentlemen cross to each other's places ; advance four steps ; retreat ditto ; cross back towards partners, who set to them as they advance ; turn partners; which ends first half of figure. BALL-KOO^ GUIDE. 25 Second ladies and top vis-a-vis jorentlemen execute the same movements. Then side couples begin, the privilege of commence- ment being conferred on those ladies who stand at the right of the top couples. This figure is sometimes performed in a different manner, known as double VEte. Instead of the top lady and vis-a-vis gentle- man advancing alone, they advance with partners, joining hands ; cross, and return, as in the single figure. This variation is, however, somewhat out of vogue, except (as will presently be seen) in the last figure of Top lady and vis-a-vis gentleman cross to each other's places, giving right hand in passing ; cross back again with left hand. (Eight bars.) The two couples form in a line, and join hands, the left hand of one holding the right hand of his or her neighbour, so that each faces different ways ; in this posi- tion all four halancez, then half promenade 2G ball-room: guide. with partner to opposite place ; top ladv and vis-a-vis gentleman advance four steps and retire ditto. (2ud eight bars.) Both top and bottom couples advance together, and retire the same ; then re-cross right and left to places. (3rd eight bars.) Second lady and first opposite gentleman repeat figure. Side couples repeat, observing same rule for commencement as in UEte. Jfourtfj JTigure.— Ea STrenisc. Top couples join hands, advance four steps and retreat ditto ; advance again, gentleman leaving lady at left hand of vis-a-vis gentle- man, and retiring alone. (1st eight bars.) Two ladies advance, crossing to opposite side ; gentleman advances to meet his partner, vis-a-vis lady returns to hers. (2nd eight bars.) Balancez ; turn partners to places. (3rd eight bars.) Second couple performs same figure ; side couples repeat as before. If La Pastorale be preferred, it will be performed thus : — Top couples advance and retreat ; advance, gentleman leading lady to left hand of vis-a-vis gentleman ; he BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 27 advances wiHi botli ladies four steps, retreat- ing: ditto ; ap^ain advancin^^, he leaves both ladies with first c^entleman, retreating alone ; top gentleman and both ladies advance and retreat ; again advance, joining hands in ■circle, go half round, half promenade to opposite places, then return right and left to their own.- Second couples and side couples repeat as before. iriftfj fyuxt.—%a JTinak. Begin with the grand rond or great round ; that is, the whole quadrille; first and second couples and sides join hands all round, advance four steps, and retreat ditto. VUte is now sometimes introduced, the grand rond being repeated between each division of the figure. But it gives a greater variety and brio to the quadrille if, after the first grand rond, the following figure be performed, the galop step being used throughout. Each gentleman (at top and bottom couples) takes liis lady round the waist, as for the galoj) ; advance four steps, retreat ditto, advance again, cross to opposite places ; advance. 28 BALL-ROOil GUIDE. retreat, re-cross to own places. Ladies chain ; half promenade across ; half right and left to places ; grand ro7id. Side couples repeat figure. Grand rond between each division and at the conclusion. Bow to your partners, and conduct your lady to seat. v.— The CaledoniajS's. This quadrille has within the last few years become more fashionable than formerly. But it is not so frequently danced as the Lancers, still less as the Tirst Set of Quad- rilles. Each set can consist only of eight couples, differing m this repeat from the simple quadrille, which admits of an inde- finite number of couples. \d Figure. — Top and opposite couples hands across ; then back again ; halancez and turn partners ; chaine des dames ; half promenade across ; half right and left to places. '^nd Figure. — Top gentleman advances and retreats twice. Balancez to corners and turn, each lady passmg to her next neigh- BALL-ROOia: GUIDE. 29 hour's place. Having clianged your partner, all promenade quite round. Second, third, and fourth gentlemen repeat same figure; thus all have regained their places. ^ '^rd Figure. — Top lady and vis-a-vis gen- tleman advance and retreat twice. Top couple join hands and cross over ; opposite couple cross likewise, separately, allowing top couple to pass between them ; then top couple re-cross to places, separately, leaving the second couple (who re-cross with joined hands) inside. Balancez to corners and turn your neigh- bour's partner ; back to places. All four couples, joining hands in circle, advance and retreat twice. Same figure repeated by second and side couples. Mh Figure. — Top lady and vis-a-vis gentle- man advance four steps; second lady and her vis-a-vis then do the same ; each couple turns partner back to places. Ladies iii all four couples move four steps to the right, each taking her neighbour's place ; gentlemen then move four steps to the left, each into next neighbour's place. 30 BALL-ROO^ GUIDE. Ladies again to the riglit ; gentlemen again to the left. Promenade round, turn y)avtners to places. Second and side couples repeat in succession. 5M Figure. — Pirst couple prom.enade round inside the quadrille. Four ladies advance, courtesy to each other, and retire ; four gentlemen advance, bow, and retire. Ba- lancez and turn partners. Grand cliain half way round. All promenade to places, and turn partners. All chassez croisez, ladies right, gentlemen left, (behind their partners) and back again to places. Second and side couples repeat as before. Promenade all round for finale. VI. — The Laxcers. The Lancers Quadrille is perhaps the most graceful and animated of any. Within the last few years it has became a great favourite in fashionable circles, probably owing to its revival at the state balls of Her Majesty. It admits of much skill and elegance in executing its quick and varied figures^ a BALL-ROOM GUIDE. di correct acquaintance witli wliicli is abso- lutely requisite to all who take part in it. Unlike the common quadrille, the Lancers must be danced by four couples only in each set ; though of course there can be many sets dancing at the same time. The number being so limited, one awkward or Ignorant person confuses the whole set ; therefore, it is indispensable that every one who dances in this quadrille should have a thorough mastery of its graceful intricacies. We have observed that of late it has become the fashion to substitute new tunes for the old well-known music of the Lancers Quad- rille. We cannot consider this an improve- ment. The old simple melodies are peculiarly fitted to the sprightly, joyous character of the dance ; which is more than can be said for any of the modern substitutes. When these are used, the Lancers, in our opinion, loses its individuality and spirit, becoming almost like a common quadrille. We should be heartily glad to see the old tunes restored once for all to their riditful supremacy. The sets of four couples, top, opposite. 32 BALL-KOO^ GUIDE. and sides, having been arranged, the dance begins as follows : — 1st ligiire. — ilrst ladj and opposite gen- tleman advance and retreat ; advance again, joining their hands; pass round each other and back to places. (1st eight bars.) Top couple join hands, and cross, opposite couple crossing at the same time, separately, outside them ; the same reversed, back to places. (2nd eight bars.) All the couples halancez to corners ; each gentleman turns his neigh- bour's partner back to places. (8rd eight bars.) Second couple repeat figure from begimiing ; after them side couples, those who stand to the right of top couple having always the priority, as in the common quad- rille. ^nd Figure. — Eirst couple advance and retreat, gentleman holding lady's left hand ; advance again ; gentleman leaves his partner in the centre of the quadrille, and retires to place. (1st eight bars.) Balancez to each other and turn to places. (2nd eight bars.) Side couples join first and second couples, forming a line of four on either side. Each BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 3S line advances four steps, retreats ditto ; then advances again, each gentleman reclaiming his partner, and all turn to places. Second and side couples repeat figure in succession. 3rfi? Figure, — First lady advances four steps alone, and stops ; vis-a-vis gentleman does the same ; first lady retires, facing gentleman, to whom she makes a slow profound courtesy. (The courtesy must occupy a bar or two of the music ; and as, if made with grace and dignity, it is most efi^ective, we would recom- mend ladies to practice it carefully before- hand.) The gentleman at the same time bows and retires. (1st eight bars.) All four ladies advance to centre, give right hands across to each other (which is called the double chain), and left hand to vis-a-vis gen- tleman; then back again, left hands across in the middle, and right hands to partners back to places. (2nd eight bars.) Second and side couples repeat figure from com- mencement. A more recent fashion for dancing this figure is as follows : — Instead of one lady advancing at first, all four advance, and 34 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. courtesy to each other ; then turn and courtesy to their partners. Ladies do the moulinet in the centre ; that is, give right hands across to each other, and naif round; left hands back again, and return to places. Gentle- men meantime all move round outside the ladies, till each has regained liis place. Figure as usual repeated four times ; but the second and fourth time the gentlemen ad- varce instead of the ladies, and bow, first to each other, then to their partners ; continu- ing as before through the rest of the figure. figure — Top gentleman, taking part- ner's left hand, leads her to the couple on their right, to whom they bow and courtesy (which civility must be met with the like acknowledgment), then cross quickly to fourth couple, and do the same. (1st eight bars.) All four couples chassez croisez right and left, (gentleman mvariably passing behind his partner) then turn hands {tour des mains) back to places. (2nd eight bars.) First and opposite couples right and left across and back again to places. (3rd eight bars.) Seoond and sides repeat as usual BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 35 ^th Figure. — This figure commences with the music. Each couple should stand ready, the gentleman facing his partner, his right hand holding hers. If every one does not start directly the music begins, and does not observe strict time throughout, tliis some- what intricate figure becomes hopelessly em- barrassed ; but, when well danced, it is the prettiest of the set. It commences with the grande chaine all round; each gentleman giving his right hand to his partner at start- ing, his left to the next lady, then his right again, and so all round, till all have returned to their places. (This occupies sixteen bars of the nmsic.) First couple promenade in- side figure, returning to places with their backs turned to opposite couple. The side couple on their right falls in immediately be- hind them ; the fourth couple follows, the second couple remaining in their places. A double line is thus formed — ladies on one side and gentlemen on the other. (3rd eight bars.) All chassez croisez, ladies left, gentle- men right, behind partners. First lady leads off, turning sliarply round to the right ; first D 2 33 ball-eoo:m guide. gentleman does the same to the left, meet- ing at the bottom of the quadrille, and pro- menade back to places. All the ladies follow first ladj ; all the gentlemen follow first gen- tleman ; and as each meets his partner at the bottom of the figure, tliej touch hands, then fall back in two lines — ladies on one side, gentlemen on the other — facing each other. (4th eight bars.) Eour ladies jom hands, advance and retreat ; four gentlemen ditto at the same time ; then each turns his partner to places. (5th eight bars.) Grande chaine agam. Second and side couples re- peat the whole figure in succession, each couple taking its turn to lead off, as the first had done. Grande chaine between each figure and in conclusion. YII. — The Lancers for Sixteen, oe Double Lancers. 1^^ Figure. — Two first ladies and vis-a-vis gentlemen begin at the same moment, and go through the figure as in Single Lancers. All balancez to corners ; in other words, each ball-roo:m guide. 37 lady sets to gentleman at lier riglit, ^vho turns her to her place. Second couples and sides repeat as usual. 2nd Figure— Yw^t couples advance, re- treat, advance again, leaving ladies in centre ; set to partners and turn to places. Two side couples nearest first couples join them ; two side couples nearest second couples do the same, thus forming eight in each line. They all advance and retreat, holding hands, then turn partners to places. Repeated by second and side couples as usual. ord Figure. — Pirst ladies advance and stop ; vis-a-vis gentlemen ditto ; courtesy profoundly, bow, and back to places. Ladies do the moulinet, gentlemen go round outside, and back to places. Or, ladies advance and courtesy to each other and then to partners ; gentlemen doing the same when the second and fourth couples begin the figure, as in Single Lancers. 4ith Figure. — Eirst couples advance to couples on their right ; bow and courtesy ; cross to opposite side, bow and courtesy, chassez croisez^ and return to place? ^li^ht 38 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. and left to opposite places, and back again. Second couples and sides repeat figure. ^th Figure. — Grande chains all round, pausing at the end of every eight bars to bow and courtesy ; continue chaine back to places, which will occupy altogether thirty- two bars of the music. Figure almost the same as in Single Lancers. Both first couples lead round, side couples falling in behind, thus forming four sets of lines. Eigure re- peated by second and side couples ; grande chaine between each figure and at the con- clusion. Yni. — Coulon's Double Quadrille. This quadrille contains the same figures as tlie common quadrille, but so arranged that they are danced by four instead of two couples. All quadrille music suits it ; and it occupies just half the time of the old quadrille. It makes an agreeable variety in the movements of the dance, and is easily learned. It requires four couples. BALL-KOOM GUIDE. 39 First and second couples right and left, whilst side couples dance the chaine Anglaise outside them. All four couples set to part- ners and turn them. Eour ladies form ladies* chain, or hands across in the middle of the figure, giving first right hands, and then left, back to places. Half promenade, first and second couples do chaine Anglaise^ while side couples do grande chaine round them. This leaves all in their right places, and ends figure. First lady, and lady on her ri^ht hand, perform the figure with their vis-a-vis gen- tlemen, as in common UEte ; taking care, when they cross, to make a semicircle to the left. Second couple and second side couple repeat figure, as in common HEtL Top lady and vis-a-vis gentleman, lady at at her right, and her opposite gentleman, perform figure at the same time, setting to each other in two cross lines. Other couples follow as usual. 40 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. The first and opposite couples dance the figiire, not with each other, but with the couples to their right. The latter do the same with first and second couples. Galopade all round. Top and opposite couples galopade forwards, and retreat. As they retreat side couples advance ; and, as they retreat in their turn, first and second couples galopade to each otheis place. Side couples the same. Eirst and second couples advance again; side couples the same as the others retreat ; first and second back to places as side couples retreat. Side couples back to places. Double chaine des dameSy and galopade all round. Then side couples repeat figure as usual, and galop all round in conclusion. It is requisite to keep correct time and step in this quadrille, which would otherwise become much confused. BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 41 IX —The Polka. The origin of this once celebrated dance is difficult to ascertain. It is believed by some to be of great antiquity, and to have been brought into Germany from the East. Others affirm that its origin is of more recent date, and its birthplace considerably nearer home. An authority on these matters re- marks : In spite of what those professors say who proclaim themselves to have learnt the Polka in Germany, or as being indebted for it to an Hungarian nobleman, we are far from placing confidence in their assertions. In our opinion Paris is its birthplace, and its true author, undoubtedly, the now far-famed Monsieur CeDarius, for whom this offspring of his genius has gained a European cele- brity." Whatever we may be inclined to believe with regard to this disputed question, there can be no doubt of the wide-spread popularity which for many years was enjoyed by the Polka. When first introduced, in 1843, it was received with enthusiasm by every cap- 42 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. ital in Europe; and it effected a complete revolution in the style of dancing which had prevailed up to that period. A biisk, lively character was imparted even to the steady- going quadrille ; the old False a Trois Temps was pronounced insufferably ''slow;'' and its brilliant rival, the Valse a Deux Temps, which had been recently introduced, at once estab- lished the supremacy which it has ever since maintained. The galop, which had been until this period only an occasional dance, now assumed a prominent post in every ball-room, dividing the honours with the valse. But all these dances, though modified in character by the introduction of the Polka, were for a time thrown into the shade by this new claimant upon public favour. Its popularity was unrivalled in the annals of dancing. Rich and poor, young and old, grave and gay, all were alike smitten by the universal Polka mania. All flocked to take lessons in this new and fascinating dance; and the professors of its mysteries fairly divided public attention with the members of the Aiiti-Corn-Law l*eague, then holding BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 43 their meetings at Drury Lane Theatre. We will even go so far as to say chat Messrs. Bright and Cobden were scarcely more anxious to destroy the vexatious corn laws than were these wortliy Polka-maniacs to , create cor 71 laws of their own, which, if more [ innocent, were equally undesirable. , Tor many years tlie Polka maintained it& j position as the universal favourite; but during the last five or six seasons its popu- ' larity has slowly but surely declined. It is never danced now in the ball-rooms of the i aristocracy, but the middle classes have not ! yet quite discarded their old friend, though even amongst their programmes its name rarely occurs. Perhaps no dance affords greater facilities I for the display of ignorance or skill, elegance or vulgarity, than the Polka. The step is simple and easily acquired, but the method of dancing it varies ad infinitum. Some persons race and romp through the dance ! in a manner fatiguing to themselves and dangerous to their fellow-dancers. Others (though this is more rare) drag their partner 44 BALL-KOO:yi GUIDE. listlessly along, vriih a sovereign contempt alike for the requirements of the time and the spirit of the music. Some gentlemen hold their partner so tiglit that she is half suffocated; others hold her so loosely that she continually slips away from them. All these extremes are equally objectionable, and defeat the graceful intention of the dance. It should be performed quietly, but with spirit, and alicays in strict time. The head and shoulders should be kept still, not jerked and turned at every step, as is the manner of some. The feet should glide swiftly along the floor — not hopping or jumping as if the boards were red-hot. You should clasp your partner lightly but firmly round the waist with your right arm. Your left hand takes her right hand ; but beware of elevating your arm and hers in the air, or holding them out straight, which suggests the idea of windmills. Above all, never place your left hand on your hip or behind you. In the first place, you thus drag your partner too much for- ward, which makes her look ungraceful; m BALL-E003I GUIDE. 45 the next, tliis attit'iide is never used except in casinos, and it is almost an insult to intro- duce it in a respectable ball-room. Let the hand which clasps your partner's fall easily by your side in a natural position, and keep it tfiere. Your partner's left hand rests on your right shoulder ; her right arm is thrown a little forward tov^^ards your left. The Polka is danced in | time. There are three steps in each bar; the fourth beat is always a rest. The rhythm of the dance may be thus indicated : — the three steps being performed on the three first beats of every bar. It is next to im- possible to describe in words the step of the Polka, or of any circular dance : nothing but example can correctly teach it ; and although we shall do our best to be as clear as pos- sible, we would earnestly recommend those of our readers who desire to excel, whether 46 BALL-ROOAI GUIDE. in this or the following dances, to take a few lessons from some competent instructor. The gentleman starts with his lett foot, tlie lady with her right. We shall describe the step as danced by the gentleman: tlie same directions, reversing the order of the feet, will apply to the lady. Ist heat. — Spring slightly on right foot, at the same time slide left foot forward. %id heat. — Bring right foot forward by glissade, at the same time raising left foot. *6rd beat. — Bring left foot slightly forward and fall upon it, leaving right foot raised, and the knee slightly bent, ready to begin the step at the first beat of the next bar beat. — Bemain on left foot. Begin next bar with the right foot, and repeat the step to end of third beat. Begin the follow- ing bar with left foot ; and so On; commenc- ing each bar with right or left foot alter- nately. The Polka is danced with a circular move- ment, like the Valse ; in each bar you half turn, so that, by the end of the second bar, you have brought your partner comnletely round. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 47 It was at first customary to promenade your partner round the room, doing a kind of balancez to eacli other in the Polka step before commencing the valse figure. But this fashion soon became antiquated, and has fallen into complete disuse. The circular movement of the Polka admits of two directions — from right or left or from left to ridit. The ordinary direction is from right to left. The opposite one is known as the reverse step. It is more difficult to execute, but is a pleasant change for skilled dancers, if they have become giddy from turning too long in one direction. In dancing the Polka, or any circular dance where a large number of couples are performing at the same time, the gentleman must be careful to steer his fair burden safely through the mazes of the crowded ball-room. A little watchfulness can almost always avoid collisions, and a good dancer would consider himself disgraced if any mishap occurred to a lady under his care. Keep a sharp look- out, and avoid crowded corners. Should eo Viany couples be dancing as to render such 48 BALL-KOOM GUIDE. caution impossible, stop at once, and do not go on until the room has become somewhat cleared. In a few minutes others will have paused to rest, and you can then continue. Your partner will be grateful that your con- sideration has preserved her from the dismal plight in which we have seen some ladies emerge from this dance — their coiffeurs dis- ordered, their dresses torn, and their cheeks crimson with fatigue and mortification, while theu' indignant glances plainly showed the anger they did not care to express in words, and which their reckless partner had fully deserved. A torn dress is sometimes not the heaviest penalty incurred: we have known more than one instance where ladies have been lamed for weeks through the culpable carelessness of their partners ; their tender feet having been half crushed beneath some heavy boot in one of these awkward collisions. This is a severe price to pay for an evening's amusement, and gentlemen are bound tone cautious how they inflict it, or anything approaching to it, upon their fair companions. Ladies, on the other hand, will do well to BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 49 remember that by leaning heavily upon their partner's shoulder, dragging back from his encircling arm, or otherwise impeding the freedom of his movements, they materially add to his labour and take from his pleasure in the dance. They should endeavour to lean as lightly, and give as little trouble, as pos- sible ; for, however flattering to the vanity of the nobler sex may be the idea of feminine dependence, we question whether the reality, in the shape of a dead weight upon their aching arms throughout a Polka or Valse of twenty minutes' duration, would be acceptable to even the most chivalrous amongst them. We have been thus minute in our instruc- tions, because they not only apply to the Polka, but equally to all circular dances where a great number stand up to dance at the same time. We now pass on to the X. — Cellarius Yalse, Sometimes called the Mazourka, though generally best known by the name of its inventor, Cellarius, of Paris. It was 50 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. imported to England in 1845, two years after the introduction of the Polka ; and although it never attained so great a popularity as its predecessor, it was favourably received, and much danced in the best circles. Still it failed to achieve the decided success which might have been reasonably expected from its elegance and beauty. Perhaps one reason of this disappointing result was that many inefficient performers attempted to dance it before they had mastered its some- what difficult step, and brought it into disrepute by their ungraceful exihibitions. But the grand secret of its partial failure ky in the mania for rapid whirling dances, introduced by the Polka. While the rage for "fast dancing" continued, the measured grace of the Cellarius stood no chance. Now that it has at last happily abated, people are better prepared to appreciate the refined and quiet charm of this really beautiful valse. To dance it well requires some practice ; and particular attention must be paid to the carriage and position of the figure, since no dance is more thoroughly spoiled by an awkward, stift*, or stooping attitude. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 51 We proceed to describe the step, so far as it may be possible to do so in words; but we have an uneasy consciousness that all such descriptions bear a close resemblance to those contained in certain little volumes designed to instruct our fair readers in the mysteries of knitting, netting, and crochet. " Slip two, miss one, bring one forward" &c., may convey to the mind of the initiated a distinct idea of the pattern of a collar ; but are hardly satisfactory guides to the step of a valse. We must, however, do our best ; though again we would impress upon the reader the necessity of seeking further in- struction from a professor or experienced friend. The time of the Cellarius Yalse is f, like the common valse ; but it should be played much more slowly ; if danced quickly, it becomes an unmeaning succession of hops, and its graceful character is destroyed. We describe the step as danced by the lady ; for the gentleman it will be the same, witli the feet reversed ; that is, for right foot read left, and so on. E 2 52 ball-koom: guide. 5irst 5tfp. 1st and 2nd heat. — Spring on left foot, sliding forward right foot at the same time, and immediately let your weight rest on the forward foot. This occupies two beats. heat. — Spring on right foot ; this ends the bar. 2nd hai\ 1st and 2nd heat. — Spring again on right foot, and slide forward left at same time. Rest on it a moment as before during second beat ; at third beat spring on it ; which ends second bar. Continue same step throughout. You will perceive that, at the first and third beat of the time, you hop slightly, restmg, during the second beat, on the foremost foot. 1st heat. — Spring on left foot, slightly striking both heels together. 2nd beat. — Slide right foot to the right, bending the knee. Zrd beat. — Bring left foot up to right foot «^ith a slight spring, raising right foot , which ends the first bar. BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 53 2nd bar, 1st heat. — Spring again on left foot, striking it with heel of right. ^ndbeat, — SKde rigiit foot to the right. 2trd beat. — Fall on right foot, raising left foot behind it, which ends the second bar. Reverse the step by springing first on the right foot, and sliding the left, &c. The music generally indicates that this step should be repeated three times to the right, which occupies three bars ; then rest during the fourth bar, and return with reverse step to the left during the three bars which follow, resting again at the eighth bar. 5rf)iri3 sup. \st beat. — Spring on left foot, and slide right foot to the right. 2nd beat. — Rest on right foot. 2>rd beat. — Spring on right foot, bringing left foot up behmd it, 2nd bar, Ist beat. — Spring on right foot, sliding left foot to the left. 2nd beat. — Rest on left foot. 3rartners into opposite places (four bars) ; petit tour backward (four bars) ; vis-a-vis couples hands across, round (six bars) ; retire (two bars) ; top and bottom ladies cross over (four bars) ; ladies cross again, giving each other left hands, and right to partners (four bars). All pass round to own places (four bars) ; petit tour backward (four bars) ^th Figure. — (Eight bars rest.) Top couple lead round inside the figure (eight bars) ; petit tour forward and backward (eight bars) ; advance to opposite couple ; the gentleman BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 57 turns half round without quitting his partner, and gives his left hand to opposite lady ; the two ladies join hands behind gentleman (four bars) ; in this position the three advance and retire (eight bars). The gentleman passes under the ladies' arms ; all three pass round to the left, with second step of Cellarius, the opposite lady finishing in her o^ti place (four bars). The top couple return to places (four bars) ; petit tour forward (four bars). Opposite couple and side couples do like- wise. ^th Figure. — (Eight bars rest.) Top and bottom couples half right and left (four bars) ; petit tour backward (four bars) ; half right and left to places (four bars) ; petit tour backward (four bars) ; vis-a-vis couples hands round to opposite places (four bars) ; petit tour forward (four bars) ; hands round to own places (four bars) ; petit tour (four bars) ; right and left (eight bars). Side couples do likewise. Finale. — Grand round all to the left, and then to the right (sixteen bars) ; grand chain, as in the Lancers, with first step of 58 BALL-ROO^a: GUIDE. Cellarius (sixteen bars). But if there are more than eight in the quadrille, the music must be continued until all have regained their places. N.B. — Music contuiues during rests." XII. — The PoLicA Mazourka. The step of this dance is, as its name impHes, a mixture of the steps of the Polka and the Mazourka. It is a favourite dance witli the Parisians, but has never been very popular in England, probably from the same reasons which prevented the success of the Cellarius. Yet it is a pretty dance, and the step is easily acquired. We recommend it to the attention of our readers. The time is f , and quicker than that of the Cellarius. Gentleman takes his partner as in the valse. Figure en tournant. We describe the steps for the gentleman ; the lady simply reverses the order of the feet, using left foot for right throughout. Ist heat. — Best on right foot, with left foot a little raised behind, and slide left foot to the left. BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 59 ^nd heat. — Spring on the right foot, bringing it up to where left foot is, and raising the latter in front. *6rd beat. — Spring once more on right foot, passing left foot behind without touching the ground with it ; this ends first bar. ^nd bar, 1st beat. — Shde left foot to the left, as before. 2nd beat. — Spring on right foot, as before, and bring it up to the place of left foot, raising latter at same moment. beat. — Eall on the left foot, and raise the riglit foot behind ; end of second bar. Begin third bar with right foot, and con- tinue as before. You turn half round in the first three beats, and complete tlie circle in the second three. XIII.— The Redowa, oe Redova. The step of this valse somewhat resembles that of the Cellarius, and is used, as we liave seen, in dancing the Mazourka Quadrille. It is an elegant valse, not so lively as the Polka Mazourka, but, if danced in correct time, not 60 BALL-EOO^ GUIDE. too slowly, is very graceful and pleasing. The step is not so fifficult as that of the Cellarius : it is almost a Pas de Basque, with the addition of the hop. In all these dances, which partake of the nature of the Mazourka, it is requisite to mark distinctly the first and third beats of every bar, otherwise the pecu- liar character of the movement is completely lost. We describe the step for the lady as it is employed in the forward movement. \st Stand with right foot slightly forward; spring upon it, bringing it behind left foot, which is raised at same moment. 2nd beat. — Slide your left foot forward, bending the knee. Zrd beat. — Bring your right foot, with a slight hop, up behind your left foot, raising the latter and keeping it in front. (One bar.) 1*^ beat. — Spring upon your left foot, pass- ing it behind your right, and raising latter. 2nd beat. — SHde right foot forward, bend- ing the knee. Zrd beat. — Bring left foot up to right, with slight hop, and raise right foot at same moment^ keeping it in front as before. BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 61 When the figure en tournant (circular movement) is employed, the lady begins by sliding the left foot forward, and the right foot backward. Gentleman always does the same, with order of feet reversed. This dance has been very popular in Paris; in England it is now^ seldom seen. XIV.— The Schottische. The Schottische was introduced amongst us about the same time as the Polka Ma- zourka, but it received a much more cordial welcome, and has always been popular in England. Its origin is as uncertain as that of the Polka, and it is believed to be a very ancient national dance. It is a great favourite with the German peasantry; and although its name, Schottische, would seem to imply that it came from Scotland, there is no doubt that it is essentially German alike in character and in music. The step, although easy to learn, requires great precision. We w^ould recommend our readers to adhere throughout to the circular 62 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. movement. Some dancers begin by fonr steps to tlie right, then back again, not turning until they commence the second half of the figure. But when many couples are dancing this practice involves a risk of coUisions, and it is safer to begin at once with the figure en toitmant. The second part of the step con- sists of a series of slight hops, which must be made exactly at the same moment by both parties, otherwise a break-do \^'n is inevitable. They should be executed as quickly as pos- sible, so as to avoid tlie jirjgmg effect which bad dancers impart to the Schottische. When well performed it is a very animated and elegant dance, forming an agreeable variety to the Polka and Yalse. The time is \ ; it should be played a good deal slower than the Polka : when hurried it becomes ungraceful and vulgar. The first and third beat in each bar should be slightly marked. We proceed to describe the step as danced by the gentleman. Slide the left foot forward; bring right foot close up behind left foot. Slide left foot BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 63 forward a second time. Spring upon left foot. Then do the same with right foot. left foot, and then with the right, you come to the second part, which consists of a series of double hops, two on each foot alternately. Hop twice on the left foot (one hop for each beat of the time), and half turn round ; then twice on the right, completing the circular movement. Eepeat the same through another four beats; then resume hrst step through the next tw^o bars, and continue to alter- nate them every second bar. You can also vary the dance at pleasure, by continuing the fiist step without changing it for the hops; or you can likewise continue these throughout several bars in succession; taking care, of course, to apprise your partner of your intention. Even when well and quietly danced, there is something undignified in the hopping movement of the second step ; and we have observed with satisfaction that for some time past it has been replaced by the step of the False a Deux Temps, which is now generally used instead of the double hops. Havin! )leted four steps, first with the 64 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. XY. — La Yarsovienne. This is a romid dance for two, which, like the Polka Mazourka, is a combination of the steps of one or two other dances. Since the introduction of the Polka and the Cellarius, several dances have been invented wliich par- take largely of the character of both. La Yarsovienne is very graceful, and was popu- lar in England a few years ago. It is not often danced now. Take your partner as for the valse. Count three ui each bar. Time much the same as in Polka Mazourka. The music is generallv divided into parts of sixteen bars each. The step for the gentleman is as follows in the first part : — SHde left foot to the left ; shghtly spring forward with right foot, twice, leaving the left foot raised behind, in readiness for next step. (1st bar.) Repeat the same. (2nd bar.) One polka step, during which turn. (3rd bar.) Bring your right foot to the second position, and wait a whole bar. (4:th bar.) Jiesume first step with right foot, BAXL-ROOM GUIDE. 65 and repeat throughout, reversing order of feet. Lady, as usual, begins with her right foot, doing the same step. Second step hi second part, \st bar. — Gen- tleman, beginning ^nth his left foot, does one polka step to the left, turning partner, '2nd bar. — Bring right foot to the second position, and bend towards it ; wait a whole bar. 2>rd bar. — One polka step with right foot to the right, turning partner. 4M bar. — Left foot to second position; bend towards it, and wait as before. Third joart. — Take three polka steps to the left. (This occupies three bars.) Bring right foot to second position, and wait one bar. Repeat the same, beginning with right foot to the right. XYI.— The Gorlitza. This is a Polish round dance for two, which was brouglit over to London from Paris in 1851. Like the Yarsovienne, it is now seldom seen beyond the walls of the dancing academy. Perhaps one reason of 66 BALL-EOOil GUIDE. its short-lived popularity is to be found in the fact that it is rather troublesome to learn, the steps being changed continuallj. The time is the same as that of the Schot- tische, but not quite so quick. Take your position as for the Polka. 1st bar. — One polka step to the left, be- ginning Avith left foot, and turning half round. 2nd har. — Slide your right foot to right ; bring left foot up close behind it, as in the fifth position ; make a glissade ^ith your right foot, ending ^'ith your left in front. ?>rd bar. — S])riug on your right foot, rais- ing your left in front. Fall on your left foot, passing it behind your right foot. Glis- sade right with right foot, ending ^vith left in front. bar. — Again spring on right foot, raising left in front. Fall on left foot, pass- ing it behind right. Glissade to right, with your right foot ; end \nth same foot in front. Then repeat from beginning during the next four bars, but the second time be careful to end with the left foot in front. During the BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 67 last two bars you turn round, but do not move forward. The step for the lady is the same, with the order of the feet, as usual, reversed ; except, liowever, in the last two bars of this figure, which both begin with the same foot. The Gorlitza, like the preceding dance, is divided into parts. The first part occupies eight bars of the music ; the second, sixteen bars. The step for the second part is as follows : — Isi four bars. — Commence with Polka Ma- zourka step, with left foot to the left, and turn half round. Then do the step of the Cellarius to the right, beginning with the right foot. Fall on left foot, keeping it be- hind right foot ; glissade with right foot, and end with same in front. Indfour bars. — Polka Mazourka with right foot to the right, and turn half round. Cel- larius step with left foot to the left. Pall on right foot, keeping it behind; glissade with left foot, bringing it behind. Repeat from beginning, which completes the sixteen bars of second half of the figure. r 2 68 BALL-ROOil GUIDE. Lady does the same steps, with order of feet reversed. XYII.— The Yalse a Tkois Temps. Twenty years ago^ the Yalse (or as it was then pronounced. Waltz) was a stately measui'e, danced with gravity and delibera- tion. Each couple wheeled round and round with dignified composure, never interrupting the monotony of the dance by any move- ments forward or backward. They conse- quently soon became giddy, although the music was not played above half as fast as the valse music of our day. We are bound to admit that this stately fashion of waltzing was infinitely more graceful than the style whicli has superseded it. But having con- fessed so much, we may venture to add that tlie Yalse, as danced by the present genera- tion, possesses a spirit, lightness, and variety quite unknown to its stately predecessor. The old T\^altz was introduced to this country from Germany, where it has always been the favourite dauce of the people in BALL ROOM GUIDE. 69 all ranks and conditions. But although we adopted the step of their national waltz, we so entirely altered the time, that it became in our hands a totally different dance, which the Germans themselves would have found it difficult to recognise. At that period, "fast dancing" was unknown in England, and would have been regarded as highly indecorous. At its first introduction, the Waltz was received with great mistrust by the older portion of the community. If it was to be tolerated at all in correct society, it must at least be danced in a deliberate manner, consonant with the dignity of the English character. It was, therefore, taken at half its original tempo ; it ceased to be the giddy, intoxicating whirl in which the Germans deliglit, and subsided into the com- paratively insipid and spiritless affair known thirty years ago as the " German Waltz." We have already seen how complete was the revolution effected by the Polka in these old-fashioned ideas. But although we cannot regret the introduction of a more animated style of dancing, we are sorry that the old 70 BALL-KOOil GUIDE. Waltz lias been so entirely given up. When restored to its original temps, the Value a Trois Temps is nearly as spirited as the False a Deux ; and twice as graceful. It has the additional advantage over tlie latter, that it contains in each bar three steps to three beats of the time ; whereas the Deux Temps, as its name implies, numbers only two steps in a bar of three notes ; and is thus incorrect in time. We venture to predict that the old Waltz will, at no distant day, be restored to public favour. We shall be heartily glad to welcome it once more, but on the con- dition that it shall be danced in the only manner which does justice to all its attrac- tions ; that is, as it is danced by the German peasants under the wide-spreading oaks of its own fatherland. We proceed to describe the step for the gentleman : the same, beginning with right foot instead of left, will apply to the lady. Gentleman takes his partner romid tlie waist with his right arm; his left hand holds Hers, as in the Polka. Lady places left hand 6n his shoulder, and right hand in his left BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 71 hand. Begin at once with figure en tour- nant. Time f ; one step to eacli beat. First beat in each l3ar should be slightly marked by the dancers. 15^ heat. — Slide left foot backwards, towards the left. ^nd beat. — Slide your right foot past your left in same direction, keeping right foot behind left, and turning slightly to the right. Zrd heat. — Bring left foot up behind right (one bar). \st heat. — Slide right foot forward towards the right. %id heat. — Slide left foot forward, still turning towards right. Zrd beat. — Bring right foot up to right, turning on both feet, so as to complete the circle (two bars). Remember to finish with right foot in front. Repeat from first beat of first bar. Gentleman always turns from left to right ; lady from right to left. The step of the old Waltz is simple enough; nevertheless some practice is required to dance it really well. Remember always to slide^ not to ste]^^ forward \ for the beauty of 72 BALL-EOOM GUIDE. tliis valse consists in its gliding motion. It is not at first easy to dance swiftly and quietly at the same time ; but a little patience will soon enable yon to conquer that diffi- culty, and to do full justice to what is, in our o])inion, the most perfectly graceful of all the round dances, without a smgle exception. XYIII.— The Yalse a Deux Temps. "We are indebted to the mirth-loving capital of Austria for this brilliant Yalse, which was, as we have observed elsewhere, introduced to our notice shortly before the Polka appeared in England, and owed its popularity to the revolution in public taste effected by that dance. Although the Polka has gone out of fashion, the Valse a Deux Temps still reigns supreme ; but within the last two years a dangerous rival has arisen, which may perhaps drive it in its turn from the prominent posi- tion which, for more than twenty seasons, it has maintained. This rival is the New Valse, of which we shall speak in its place ; BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 73 but "we must now describe the step of the Valse a Beiix Temps, We have already remarked that this Valse is incorrect in time. Two steps can never properly be made to occupy the space of three beats in the music. The ear requires that each beat shall have its step ; unless, as in the Cellarius, an express pause be made on one beat. This inaccuracy in the measure has exposed the False a Deux Temps to the just censure of musicians, but has never interfered with its success among dancers. We must caution our readers, however, against one mistake often made by the inexperienced. They imagine that it is unnecessary to observe any rule of time in this dance, and are perfectly careless whether they begin the step at the beginning, end, or middle of the bar. This is quite inadmis- sible. Every bar must contain within its three beats two steps. These steps must begin and end strictly with the beginning and end of each bar; otherwise a hopeless confusion of the measure will ensue. Pre- cision in this matter is the more requisite. 74 ball-iioo:m guide. because of the peculiarity in the measure. If the first step in each bar be not strongly marked, the valse measure has no chance of making itself apparent ; and the dance becomes a meanmgless galop. The step contains two movements, a glissade and a chassez, following each other quickly in the same direction. Gentleman begins as usual with his left foot ; lady with her right. 1st beat. — Glissade to the left with left foot. 2nd and Zrd heats. — Chassez in the same direction with right foot ; do not turn in tliis first bar. 2nd bar, 1st beat. — Shde right foot back- wards, turning half round. ^nd and Zrd beat. — Pass left foot behind right, and chassez forward with it, turning half round to complete the figure en tournant. Finish with right foot in front, and begin over again with left foot. There is no variation in tliis step ; but you can vary the movement by going backwards or forwards at pleasure, instead of continuing BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 75 the rotatory motion. The Valse a Deux Temps, like the Polka, admits of a reverse step ; but it is difficult, and looks awkward unless executed to perfection. The first requisite in this Yalse is to avoid all jumping movements. The feet must glide smoothly and swiftly over the floor, and be raised from it as little as possible. Being so very quick a dance, it must be performed quietly, otherwise it is liable to become ungraceful and vulgar. The steps should be short, and the knees slightly bent. As the movement is necessarily very rapid, the danger of collisions is proportionately increased ; and gentlemen wlU do well to remember and act upon the cautions con- tained in the earlier pages of this little work, under the head of The Polka." They should also be scrupulous not to attempt to conduct a lady through this Yalse until they have thoroughly mastered the step and w^ell practised the figure en tournani. Awkwardness or inexperience doubles the risks of a collision ; which, in this extremely rapid dance, might be attended with serious consequences. 7G BALL-ROOM GL'ir-E. The Deux Temps is a somewhat fatiguing valse, and after two or three turns round the room, the gentleman should pause to allow his partner to rest. He should be careful to select a ladj whose height does not present too striking a contrast to his own; for it looks ridiculous to see a tall man dancing with a short woman, or vice versa. This observation applies to all round dances, but especially to the valse, in any of its forms. XIX.— The New Yalse. This graceful variation of the valse move- ment has not long been introduced in Eng- land, and is not yet so universally popular as it promises to l3ecome. It was, however, much danced in London last year, and there is reason to believe that it will be the favourite dance this season. It is more elegant than the Valse a Deux Temps, and more spirited than the Cellarius. The tempo is slower than that of the ordinary valse. The step is ex- tremely simple. ball-room: guide. 77 Gentleman takes his partner as for the False a Deux Temps. Eall on the left foot, and make two glissades with the right (1st bar). Repeat, reversing order of feet (2nd bar). Lady begins with her right foot as usual. The step is the same throughout. Figure en tournaiit. The peculiarity of this Yalse lies in its accent, which cannot be properly explained in words, but must be seen to be understood. We recommend our readers to lose no time in acquiring a correct knowledge of the New Valse. It is unquestionably the most easy and most graceful dance which has appeared of late years, and we are told on first-rate authority that it is destined to a long career of triumphs. XX. — Le Galop. The Galop, as its name implies, is the quintessence of all the "fast" dances. At the time of the Polka mania it was very much in vogue, and was almost as great a favourite as the Deux Temps, Although its 78 BALL-ROO^ GUIDE. popularity Las greatly declined of late, it generally occurs t\Yice or tlirice in the pro- gramme of every ball-room; and the music of the Galop is, like the dance itself, so gay and spirited, that ^'C should regret to see it wholly laid aside. The step is siroilar to that of the Deux Temps Yalse, but the time is |, and as quick as possible. Two cMssez steps are made in each bar. The figure can be varied by taking four or eight steps in the same direction, or by turning with every two steps, as in the Deux Temps ^ Like all round dances, it admits of an unlimited number of couples. Being, perhaps, the most easy of any, every one takes part in it, and the room is generally crowded during its continuance. A special amount of care is therefore neces- sary on the part of the gentleman to protect his partner from accidents. We have now described all the round dances at present in vogue. XXI.— The Cotillon. The CotiUoii is rarely seen in English ball- BALL-r.OOM GUIDE. 79 rooms, but on the Continent, especially in Italy, it is a great favourite. It occupies a somewhat similar position to our own Sir Roger de Coverley, being generally the con- cluding dance of the evening, in which every one joins. It can be prolonged at pleasure by the introduction of more figures, for it has no definite beginning or end. It is, in fact, more like a long game performed to the accompaniment of valse music than a dance. We shall describe the Cotillon as we have seen it in the palaces of Italy, where it is danced with enthusiasm, and diversified by an innumerable variety of figures, only a few of which we can undertake to remember. It is never commenced till towards the close of the ball, at so advanced an hour that all the sober portion of the assembly have retired, and only the real lovers of dancing remain, who sometimes prolong this their favourite amusement till a late hour in the morning. It is customary for gentlemen to select their partners for the Cotillon early in the evening, while the other dances are in pro- gress ; for, as it lasts so long a time, it is 80 BALL-ROOil GUIDE. necessary to know beforehand how many ladies feel inclined to remain during its con- tinuance. A circle of cliairs is arranged round the room, the centre being left clear ; the spec- tators stand behind the chairs, so as not to interfere with the dancers. Each gentleman leads his partner to a seat, taking another beside her. To these same seats they return after every figure, it being the etiquette of tlie dance that no couple should appropriate any chans but their own, taken at the com- mencement. "VMien the dancers are arranged round the room, the orchestra strikes up the spirited music of the Cotillon, which consists of a long series of raise movemiiiiits at the usual tempo of the Deux Temps. There are generally several leaders of the Cotillon, who who decide upon the succession of the figures. If there are many couples dancing, one leader attends upon a group of six or eight couples, to ensure that all shall take part. "We are aware of no fixed rule for the succession of the figures, which depends upon the caprice of the leaders. A good leader will invent BALL-EOO^ GUIDE. 81 new combinations, or diversify old figures: thus securing an almost endless variety. One of the most popular is the following : — Several gentlemen assume the names of flowers or plants, such as the honeysuckle, woodbine, ivy, &c. A lady is then requested to name her favourite flower; and the for- tunate swain who bears its name springs forward and valses off with her in triumph. It is usual to make one, or at most two, turns round the room, and then restore the lady to her owti partner, who in the mean- time has perhaps been the chosen one of another lady. All having regained their places, each gentleman valses with his own partner onee round the room, or remains sitting by her side, as she may feel inclined. Baskets filled with small bouquets are brought in. Each gentleman provides him- self with a bouquet, and presents it to the lady with whom he wishes to valse. Sometimes a light pole or staff is intro- duced, to the top of which are attached long I streamers of dift'erent coloured ribbons. A I lady takes one of these to several of her fair BALL-ROOM GUIDE. companions in turn, each of whom chooses a ribbon, and, holding it firmly in her hand, follows the leading lady to the centre of the room. Here they are met by an equal number of gentleman, likewise grouped around a leader who carries the pole, while each holds a streamer of his favourite colour, or that which he imagines would be selected by the dame de ses pensees. The merry groups compare notes : those who possess streamers of the same colour pair off in couples, and valse gaily round the room, returning to places as before. Six or eight ladies and the same number of gentlemen form in two lines, facing each Dther. The leading lady throws a soft worsted ball of bright col(5u.rs at the gentle- man with whom she wishes to dance. He^ catches it, throws it back to the fair group, and valses off with liis partner. Whoever catches the returning ball, has the right to throw next ; and the same ceremony is repeated until all have chosen their [part- ners, with whom they valse round the room, returning to places as usual. Sometimes, a BALL-EOOM GUIDE. 83 handkerchief is substituted for the ball ; but the latter is better, bemg more easily thrown and caught. Six or eight chairs are placed in a circle, the backs turned inwards. Ladies seat themselves in the chairs, gentlemen move slowly round in front of them. Each lady throws her handkerchief or bouquet at the gentleman with whom she wishes to dance as he passes before her. Valse round as usual and return to places. Sometimes a gentleman is blindfolded, and placed in a chair. Two ladies take a seat on either side of him ; and he is bound to make his selection without seeing the face of his partner. Having done so, he pulls the covering from his eyes, and valses off with her. It is a curious circumstance that mistakes seldom occur, the gentleman being generally suflSciently clairvoyant to secure the partner he desires. We have here described a few of the most striking figures of the Cotillon. We might multiply them to an extent which would equally tax the patience of our readers and G 2 84 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. OTir own powers of remembrance; but we forbear. Enough has been told to show the graceful, coquettish character of the dance, which adapts itself admirably to the Italian nature, and is as much beloved by them as the Valse by the Germans or the Cachucha by the dark-eyed maidens of Spain. We should rejoice to see this charming stranger natural- ised in English ball-rooms. It is especially adapted to sociable gatherings, where most of the guests are friends or acquaintances. XXII.— The Spanish Dance. This pretty though now somewhat old- fashioned dance was, before the introduction of the Deux Temps and Polka, a principal feature in every ball-room. It is danced with the step and music of the Old Valse a Trots Temps, played slower than the music of the I)e?LV Temps. Sometimes the couples stand in two long parallel lines, as in a country dance ; some- times they are arranged in a circle. The leading gentleman must be on the ladies' BALL-ROOM GUIDE. 85 side, and his partner on the gentlemen's side. Every fourth lady and gentleman exchange places, to avoid the necessity of keeping the other couples waiting. The whole set can thus begin at the same moment. Leading gentlemen and second lady ad^'ar C 3 and retreat with valse step, and change places. Leading lady and second gentleman do the same at the same time. Leading gentleman and his partner advance and retreat, and change places. Second lady and gentleman do the same at same time. Leading gentleman and second lady repeat this figure ; first lady and second gentleman likewise, at same time. Leading gentlemian and first lady repeat \ same figure ; second gentleman and lady j repeat at same time. All four, joining hands, advance to centre, I anv3 retreat. Ladies pass to the left. Repeat 1 three times. Each gentleman takes his part- ner, and the two couples valse round each other once or twice at pleasure ; the second lady and gentleman being left at the top of 1 the figure, as in a country dance. Leading 86 BALL-ROOM GUIDE. gentleman and partner repeat same figure with succeeding couple to end of dance. It is obvious that there must be an equal number of couples ; and that they must be arranged in sets of four, eight, sixteen, twenty, twenty-four, and so on. XXIII.— La Tempete. La Tempete was brought over to this country from Paris some years ago. It speedily became a favourite, and for several seasons was much danced in London and the provinces. It unites the cheerfulness of the quadrille with the sociability of the country dance; and when its lively figures are cor- rectly performed, it is both amusing and animated. It is divided into parties of four couples, like the quadrille ; but their arrangement is different. Two couples stand side by side, facing their respective vis-a-vis ; there are not any side couples. As many sets of four couples can be thus arranged as the room will accommodate. Each new set turns its BALL-KOOM GUIDE. 87 back upon the second line of the preceding set. Thus the dance can be the whole length of the room, but is only the breadth of two couples. The figure is as follows : — Place two couples side by side, the lady standing at the right hand of the gentleman. Place two other couples as their vis-a-vis. Next place two couples with their backs turned to the first set; two couples oppo- site them for their vis-a-vis; and continue arranging more sets of four couples accord- ing to the number of the dancers and the size of the room. First part. — All the couples begin at the same moment, by advancing and retreating twice, with joined hands. Pirst couples (that is, all whose backs are turned to the top of the room) cross, with hands joined, to the places of their vis-a-vis. The latter cross at the same time, but, separating, pass outside top couples to the top, where they jobi Jiands, return to own places, and back again to the top without separating; the top couples crossing separately at the same time outside the second couples. Top S8 BALL-EOOM GUIDE. couples then join hands, and all return to their own places, second couples separating to allow the others to pass between them. Lady and gentleman in the centre of each line join hands, giving their disengaged hands to their two vis-a-vis. All four half round to the left, then half round back again to places. Meantime, the outside lady and gentleman perform the same with their re- spective vis-a-vis, making a circle of two instead of four. Circle of four give hands .'icross round ; change hands ; round once more, and back to places. Outside couples perform same figure in twos. All the sets perform tlie figure at the same moment. Second 'part. — All advance, retreat, and advance again ; all the top couples passing the second couples into the next line, where they re-commence the same figure, their former vis-a-vis having passed to the top, and turned round to wait for a fresh vis-a-vis ; gentleman always keeping lady at his right hand. An entire change of places is thus effected, which is continued throughout this figure, until all the top lines have passed to BALL-ROOM GUIDE. the bottom, the bottom lines at the same time passing to the top ; and then turning round, all go back again by the same method reversed, till all have regained their original places. The dance may terminate here, or the last figure may be repeated, at pleasure. When the first exchange of vis-a-vis takes place, the new lines at the top and bottom find themselves for a moment without a vis- a-vis ; but, at the next move forward, they are provided, and can continue the figure as above described. We extract from a con- temporary the following graceful variation in the first half of this dance : — " All advance and retire twice (hands joined). All vis-a-vis couples chassez croisez en double', each gentle- man retaining his partner's left hand ; eight galop steps (four bars) ; decJiassez eight steps (four bars) ; the couple on the right of the top line passing in iront of the couple on the left the first time ; returning to place, passing behind. Thus, two couples are moymg to the right, and two to the left. This is repeated. The vis-a-vis couples do likewise at the same time. This of course 90 BAXL-ROOM GUIDE. applies to all the couples, as all commence at the same time." La Tempete is danced to quick music, in J time. The step is the same as iu quad- rilles ; varied sometimes bj the introduc- tion of the galop step, when the couples cross to each others' places or advance into the lines of the next set. XXIY. — Sm Roger de Co^'ERLEY. We conclude our account of the dances now most in vogue with an old-fashioned favourite, whose popularity dates from a bygone age, and bids fair to survive the present one. Long may its cheerful rustic strains be heard in our ball-rooms, and prove we have not grown too fine or too foolish to take pleasure in the simple dances of our ancestors. Sir Ex)ger de Coverley is always introduced at the end of the evening; and no dance could be so well fitted to send the guests home in good humour with each other and with their hosts. We describe it as it is danced in the present day, shghtly ball-room: guide. 91 modernised to suit the taste of our time. Like the quadrille, it can be danced with j equal propriety by old or young ; and is so easy, that the most inexperienced dancer may fearlessly venture to take part in it. Form in two parallel lines ; ladies on the I left, gentlemen on the right, facing their j partners. All advance ; retreat (which occu- pies the first four bars) ; cross to opposite places (four bars more) ; advance and retreat (four bars) ; re-cross to places (four bars). The lady who stands at the top, and the i gentleman who stands at the bottom, of each ! line, advance towards each other, courtesy and bow, and retire to places. The gentle- ! man at the top and tlie lady at the bottom do the same. Lady at top and gentleman at bottom advance again, give right hands, and swing quickly round each other back to places. Gentleman at top and lady at bottom do the same. Top lady advances, gives right hand to partner opposite, and passes ' behind the two gentlemen standing next to him. Then through the luie and across it, giving left hand to partner, who meets her 92 ball-eoom: guide. half way between the two lines, having in the meantime passed behind the two ladies who stood next his partner. Lady then passes behind the two ladies next lowest ; gentleman at §ame time beliind the two gen- tlemen next lowest ; and so on all down the line. At the bottom, lady gives left hand to her partner, and they promenade back to places at the top of the line. (This figure is frequently omitted.) Top couple advance, courtesy and bow, then lady turns off to the riglit, gentleman to the left, each followed by the rest of her or his line. Top couple meet at the bottom of figure, join hands, and raising their arms, let all the other couples pass under them towards the top of the line, till all reach their own places, except the top, who have now become the bottom cou- ple. Figure is repeated from the beginning, until the top couple have once more worked their way back to their original places at the top of the line. Throughout this little work we have endeavoured to avoid as much as possible the use of rrench words, and to give our directions in the plain mother tongue. Nevertheless, there must always be certain technical terms, such as chassez croisez, glissade, &c., &c., for which it would be difficult to find good English equivalent. We therefore subjoin a Glossary of all such words and expressions as have long since been universally accepted as the accredited phraseology of the Ball-room. A vos places, hack to your otvn places. A la fin, at the e7id. A droite, to the right. A gauche, to the left, Balancez, set to your partner Balancez aux coins, set to the corners. Balancez quatre en ligne,/oHr dancers set in a line, joining hands, as in La Poide. Balancez en moulinet, gentlemen and their partners give each other right hands across, a^id balancez in the form of a cross. Balancez et tour des mains, all set to partners^ and turn to place' , {See Tour des mains.) GLOSSARY. Ballotez, do the same step four times without chang- ing your 'place. Chaine Anglaise, opposite couples right and left. Chaine des dames, ladies' chain. Chaine Anglaise double, double right and left. Chaine des dames double, all the ladies perform the ladies' chain at the same time. Chassez croisez, do the chass6 step from left to right, • or right to left, the lady passing before thegentle- mayi in the opposite direction, that is, moving right if he moves left, and vice versa. Chassez croisez et d^chassez, change places with partners, ladies passing in front, first to the right, then to the left, back to places. It may be either 2, q}X2itvQ—fo2ir couples — or les huit — eight cotiples. Chassez k droite— gauche, move to the right— to the left. Le cavalier seul, gentleman advances alone. Les cavaliers seuls deux io\s, gentlemen advance and retire ticice withoiit their partners. Changez vos dames, change partners. Centre parti e pour les autres, th^ other dancers do the same figure. Demi promenade, half promenade. Demi chaine Anglaise, half right and left. Demi moulinet, ladies all advance to centre, right hands across, and back to places. Demi tour ti quatre,/o?(r hands half round. Dos-^-dos, lady and opposite gentleman advance, pass round each other back to back, and return to places. Les dames en moulinet, ladies give right hands across to each other, half round, and back again with left hands. GLOSSAEY. 95 Les dames donnent la main droite— gauche— leurs , cavaliers, ladies give the right — left — hands to partners. En avant deux et en arri^re, first lady and \is-^-vis gentleman advance and retire. To secure brevity, en avant is ahvays understood to imply en arri^re when the latter is not expressed. En avant deux fois, advance and retreat twice. En avant quatre, first couple and their vis-^-vis advance and retire. En avant trois, three advance and retire, as in La Pastorale. Figurez devant, dance before. Figurez ^ droite— ^ gauche, dance to the right— to the left. La grande tour de rond, all join hands and dance completely round the figure in a circle back to places. Le grand rond, all join hands, and advance and re* treat twice, as in La "Finale. Le grand quatre, all eight couples form into squares. La grande chaine, all the couples move quite round the figure, giving alternately the right and left hand to each in succession, beginning with the right, until all have regained their places, as in last figure of the Lancers. La grande promenade, all eight for more) couples promenade all round the figure back to places. La main, the hand. La meme pour les cavaliers, gentlemen do the same. Le moulinet, hands across. The figure will explain whether it is the gentlemen, or the ladies, or both, who are to perform it. Pas de Allemande, the gentleman turns his partner under each arm in succession. 96 GLOSSARY. Pas de Basque, a kind of sliding step fortcard, per- formed tvith both feet alternately in quick saC' cession. Used in the Redowa and other dances. Comes from the South of France, Glissade, a sliding step. Le Tiroir, first couple cross tvith hands joined to opposite couple's place, opposite couple crossing separately outside them; then cross back to places y same figure reversed. Tour des mains, give both hands to partner, and turn her round tvithout quitting your places. Tour sur place, the same. Tournez vos dames, the same. Tour aux coins, turn at the corners, as in the Cale- donians, each gentleman tuy^ning the lady ivho stands nearest his left hand, and immediately re- turning to his own place. Traversez, cross over to opposite place. Retraversez, cross back again. Traversez deux, en donnant la main droite, lady and vis-il-vis gentleman cross, giving right hand, as in La Poule, Vis-^-vis, opposite. Figure en tournant, circular figure. Dalsiel Brothers, Camden Press, Londoo, N.W