Social Dance at UT Austin
Home Registration
Notes on Registration
We're excited that you want to join us in learning social dance!
Here are a few notes that will help you register.
Beginning Social Dance (TTh, 12 pm or 1 pm)
Unique Numbers:
Beginning (12 pm): Leads: 13775 or 13080 Follows: 13795 or 13095
Beginning (1 pm): Leads: 13780 or 13085 Follows: 13800 or 13100
- No Experience Needed: For beginning social dance, no experience is needed! Come as you are! Even if you think you have two left feet, we'll disprove that on the very first day!
- Register for the Role You Want: There are two different roles in social dancing: Lead and Follow. (In this video, Nick is leading and Melissa is following.) You're welcome to choose whichever role you want. HOWEVER, whichever role you want to do, that's the role you need to register for. If your preferred role isn't open, your best chance of getting into the class in that role is to get on the corresponding waitlist as early as you can. Registering for the opposite role will not help you get into the class in the role you want, and will prevent other students from getting into the class in the role THEY want. Whichever role you register for will be the role you dance in class.
- Register Early: These classes always fill, so register as soon as possible during your access period to have the best chance of getting in.
- Classes Are Only 50 Min: Despite what the Course Schedule says, the class is only 50 minutes long (i.e., 12 to 12:50 and 1 to 1:50). If you have another class at 1 or at 2, you can still take the class, you'll just need to fill out a Time Conflict Form and .
- Classes Are Only TTh: The Friday "Social Dance" section is a way to give our class assistants credit for assisting, not an actual Beginning Social Dance class.
Unique Numbers:
Intermediate A (2 pm): Leads: 13805 Follows: 13785
Intermediate B (3 pm): Leads: 13810 Follows: 13790
- Beginning is an Absolute Prerequisite for Intermediate: Having taken Beginning Social Dance at UT is an absolute prerequisite for taking Intermediate Social Dance, just as much as Calculus I is a prerequisite for taking Calculus II. We do twelve different dances (and more than 100 variations thereof) in Beginning, and it's not fair to anyone (yourself, your peers, or the teaching team) if you don't know them. So please don't register for Intermediate unless you've already taken Beginning, or else we'll simply ask you to register for Beginning, which will put you at the end of the waitlist. (We have a list of everyone who's taken Beginning, and we check.)
- Beginning is All You Need for Intermediate: On the other hand, if you've taken Beginning with us, there are no other requirements: you're totally ready for Intermediate! Even if you don't feel totally confident as a dancer yet, that's what taking Intermediate is for. We'll start right where Beginning left off, and continue building your confidence from there!
- Classes Are Still Only 50 Min: Despite what the Course Schedule says, the class is still only 50 minutes long. If you have another class that conflicts, you'll just need to fill out a Time Conflict Form and .
- There Are Two Different Classes: There are two different Intermediate Social Dance classes offered in Spring 2024. Both are at the same level (with Beginning Social Dance as a pre-requisite), and they're equally fun, but the dances you will learn in each class are different. You can take one class, or both, depending on what you want to learn. (If you want to take both, you'll need to fill out a Time Conflict Form and .) Here's what we plan to teach in each class this semester:
- Intermediate A (2 pm)
- Six Count Swing / Charleston
- Fox Trot
- Kizomba
- Bachata
- Cross-Step Waltz
- West Coast Swing
- Polka / Romany Polka Choreography
- Special Edition Dance (Only Spring 2025): Zydeco
- Intermediate B (3 pm)
- Triple Step Swing / Lindy Hop
- Rotary Waltz / Reverse Waltz / Mazurka / Redowa
- Nightclub Two Step
- Salsa
- Fusion
- Tango
- Merengue
- Country
- Special Edition Dance (Only Spring 2024): Schottische Quadrilles
- No Overlap with Fall 2024 Intermediate: If you took Intermediate in the Fall, everything we teach in the Spring will be new. Some of the dances will be the same, but the variations you learn will be totally different.
Teaching Social Dance (TTh 4 pm)
- Audition to Be a Class Assistant: At the end of the semester, we'll have auditions for anyone who wants to join the teaching team. Your main duties as a class assistant involve helping our students learn by giving them personalized feedback, teaching one or more mini-lessons for Dance Lab, producing a Dance Lab set list, and learning more advanced dances and concepts. You can get anywhere from 1 to 3 credit hours for CAing, and can attend any of the classes you want.
Whatever class you're registering for, we hope to see on the dance floor soon!
© 2018-2024 Nick Enge